The Faith Trust Hope and Love Floral Mug Set embody the Christian virtues that define our relationship with God and are presented in a tangible object used daily. The subtle reminders on this four-piece ceramic coffee mug set will nudge you and your family to grow deeper in your relationship with God.
The mug set is decorated in rich colors that draw the eye to the sentiment, and the theme for the set is Christian values that define our relationship with God.
The first mug focuses on the virtue of faith, the first thing needed to have a relationship with God. The interior is a glossy lime green, and pink and yellow daylilies and small lilac flowers decorate the exterior and draw attention to the black-inked sentiment that is framed by flowing tan carved leaves. A yellow swallowtail butterfly rests on the top corner of the sentiment and matches the butterfly that sits under the Scripture reference that is printed in black on the back of the mug.
Have faith in the LORD
2 Chronicles 2